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Recent Articles and Chapters

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Global Christianities

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Rocha, C. (forthcoming) Cool Christianity: The Fashion-Celebrity-Megachurch Industrial Complex. Material Religion 17 (5).

Hutchinson, M. and C. Rocha (forthcoming) Problematics in the Study of Antipodean Pentecostalism. In C. Cusack and C. Hartney (eds). Antipodes of the Soul: Religion and The Study of Religion in Australia and New Zealand. Springer.

Rocha, C. (2021) Global Religious Infrastructures: The Australian Hillsong Megachurch in Brazil. Social Compass 68 (2): 245-257.

Rocha, C. (2020) “Living the Dream:” Post-Millennial Brazilians at Hillsong College. In C. Rocha, M Hutchinson, and K. Openshaw (eds). Australian Pentecostal and Charismatic Movements: Arguments from the Margins. Leiden: Brill.

Hutchinson, M, C. Rocha, K. Openshaw (2020) Introduction: Australian Charismatic Movements as a Space of Flows. In C. Rocha, M Hutchinson, and K. Openshaw (eds), Australian Pentecostal and Charismatic Movements: Arguments from the Margins. Leiden: Brill.

Rocha, C. (2020) How Religions Travel: Comparing the John of God Movement and a Brazilian Migrant Church. In L. van de Kamp, M. Oosterbaan and J. Bahia (eds) Global Trajectories of Brazilian Religions: Lusospheres. Bloomsbury.

Healing and Spirituality

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Rocha, C. (2020) Materiality and Global Spiritual Networks: Old and New Sacred Places and Objects. TAJA (The Australian Journal of Anthropology) 31 (2): 210-223.

Rocha, C. (2016) The Globalisation of the John of God Movement: Cultural Translation as Glocalisation, in B. Schmidt and S. Engler (eds), Brill Handbook of Contemporary Religions in Brazil. Leiden: Brill.

Rocha, C. (2015) A Globalização da Cura Espírita: Biomedicina, João de Deus e seus Seguidores Australianos. Tempo Social 27 (1): 95-115.

Rocha, C. (2013) Building a Transnational Spiritual Community: The John of God Movement in Australia, in C. Rocha and M. Vasquez (eds), The Diaspora of Brazilian Religions, Leiden: Brill.

Rocha, C. (2013) John of God and the Casa de Dom Inácio: Westerners at a Brazilian Spiritual Hospital, in C. Moreman (ed.) The Spiritualist Movement: Speaking with the Dead in America and Around the World, Westport, CT: Praeger.

Rocha, C. (2012) Becoming a Global Village: The Impact of the John of God Pilgrimage in Abadiânia, in N. Hyndman-Rizik (ed.), Pilgrimage in the Age of Globalisation: constructions of the sacred and secular in late modernity, Cambridge Scholars Press.

Global Buddhism

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Rocha, C. (2014) A Globalização do Budismo. Estudos de Religião 28 (2): 59-73.

Rocha, C. (2013) Zen in Brazil: Cannibalizing Orientalist Flows, in E. Camayd-Freixas (ed.) Orientalism and Identity in Latin America: Fashioning Self and Others from the (Post) Colonial Margin. Tucson: University of Arizona Press.

Rocha, C. (2011) A Sôtô Zenshû no Brasil: A Creolização de Práticas Cotidianas, Rever 11 (2): 87-100.

Rocha, C. (2016) Buddhism in Latin America. In M. Jerryson (ed.), Oxford Handbook of Contemporary Buddhism. New York: Oxford University Press.

Rocha, C. (2012) Buddhism and Globalisation, in David McMahan (ed.), Buddhism in the Modern World, UK: Routledge.

Rocha, C. and M. Barker (2010) Introduction, in Buddhism in Australia: Traditions in Change. UK: Routledge.

(Im)mobilities and Diasporas

Read more about this research.

Rocha, C. and C. Castro (2021) New Perspectives on the Globalization of the Brazilian Religious Field. Social Compass 68 (2): 151-175.

Rocha, C. and M. Vasquez (2015) The Global Spread of Brazilian Religions, in J. Needell (ed.), Emergent Brazil: Key Perspectives on a New Global Power. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida Press.

Rocha, C. and G. Coronado (2014) Imagining Latin America in Australia: Migration, Culture and Multiculturalism, Introduction to special issue of Journal of Intercultural Studies 35 (5): 467-474.

Rocha, C. (2014) Triangular Circulation: Japanese Brazilians on the move between Japan, Australia and Brazil, Journal of Intercultural Studies 35 (5): 493-512.

Wulfhorst, C., C. Rocha, and G. Morgan (2014) Intimate Multiculturalism: Transnationalism and Belonging amongst Capoeiristas in Australia, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 40 (11): 1798-1816.

Rocha, C. & M. Vasquez (2014) O Brasil na Nova Cartografia Global da Religião. Religião e Sociedade 34 (1): 13-37.

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